He says he immediately took action. That's not correct. Now, either Deputy Commissioner George or Mr. Zaccardelli is not telling the truth, because when the report came in, in October—that's when the report was tabled on the audit that he caused—nothing was done. When I went forward, for the members I represented, and talked to Deputy Commissioner George, she said, “Nothing will be done.”
That's when I sent the message forward that if there's nothing done, it's going public. Then on November, if that's immediate, I don't know. Crupi wasn't removed until about November 23, and the investigation was not going to happen.
He says, “I took immediate action.” I would like Mr. Zaccardelli to have produced any document wherein he requested an internal investigation immediately. I would like to know when he ordered a criminal investigation, because I know that it was my documents that were suppressed, and I could not get the investigation going without going to the government.
Now, if that's immediately.... He gives you the impression that on that day...and he says it: “that day”. It was not that day. It was November 4; that's several weeks after the audit came out. It was November 3; that's a month after the audit came out. And the internal investigation was ordered in 2005; that's two years later. And the limitation of action is only one year. By the time they started it, it was too late anyway.