Sir, I have to go back to basics. I've been in the House. I know what supplementary estimates are and I know what the estimates are.
The area that you work in, you review that and you get a projection. And if there are estimates in your department...and I sure hope the Comptroller General is policing that to make sure the departments provide accurate information to Parliament before we vote on those things.
I take section 53 seriously and I take the Financial Administration Act seriously. It's the law. We're not just breaking rules; we're breaking the law for not following these things.
There's nothing in those sections for me as a parliamentarian to ascertain these expenditures. And to come back later on and put it into a general statement for the whole blaming Government of Canada as an unrecorded liability, even as a lawyer I have a heck of a lot of problems trying to get my mind around that terminology. Somebody must have stayed up a long time at night to come up with that kind of inventive thinking.
But anybody who was looking at the Firearms Centre certainly wouldn't have been looking at this unrecorded liability that you presented in your general summary at the end of 2003-04.