If I may, Mr. Member, the books that are prepared for the Government of Canada.... There are two sets of books: one is the financial statements of the Government of Canada; the other one is the book of the appropriations.
In the financial statement of the Government of Canada, we're directed under the statement of accounting principles to record liabilities that closely match those as prescribed by generally accepted accounting principles. So we book those liabilities in the financial statement.
The Auditor General made reference to some $20 billion of liabilities. There are many liabilities that are booked in the normal course of events in the books of the Government of Canada. They have not been approved by Parliament, because you have not authorized them as payments yet. But to say there are some liabilities--for example, I can think of environmental liabilities and other types of liabilities--that the government estimates they will likely be accountable for, but they have not received the authority from Parliament--