You would have an insider's edge, because you'd know the organization, how it's structured, the true costs, the additional costs.
As you know, when you go to the competitive process and people bid on it, a committee is struck, and we award points as to the credibility of the organization and their functionality. In fact, you structure what you require through MERX, through our contracting and bidding process, because NAFTA kicks in as well. It has to be an in-house process in order for people to actually be able to bid in a fair process.
In this case, what you're alluding to is that there was already insider trading going on. They already had the inside track. They also had a competitive edge. Would they also have been able to outbid the other competitors? I would say that they would have had a competitive edge. Since we didn't go to a competitive contract, I don't know if somebody else would have come in cheaper.