On January 5, 2004, I provided a report to Staff Sergeant Lewis. It was a 16-page report that wasn't attached to the letter.
On February 16 I received an e-mail from Assistant Commissioner Gork. He was requesting the names of individuals who had received a copy of the above-noted report. A copy of the draft of the report that I'd prepared had apparently turned up somewhere, and he wanted the names of people who had contributed to the report. I said I wouldn't provide the names unless there was an investigation.
February 27 I was invited to attend a meeting on HR restructuring. At the meeting there were 25 to 30 directors. Rosalie Burton flew in--she was at the time on language training--from Quebec City. She flew in from there just for the day. I was the only one whose name wasn't on the overheads, so that was my first inclination that maybe there was something better for me, but I wasn't sure.
When she returned from language training, April 7, 2004, Rosalie Burton informed me that I no longer had a job in the RCMP. From that day on, she excluded me from all management meetings and asked that I turn over all my responsibilities to Mr. John Hartin, an employee she had seconded into the RCMP from Treasury Board. She asked that I concentrate all my efforts on finding employment.