I'll call the meeting to order. I would ask that all cameras leave the room, please.
I'd like to welcome everybody here. Bienvenue à tous.
We have a full lineup this afternoon, colleagues. I'll introduce the witnesses who are before us. Back with us we have Deputy Commissioner Barbara George; we have the assistant commissioner for technical operations with the RCMP, Assistant Commissioner Bruce Rogerson; again, Chief Superintendent Fraser Macaulay, who has been with us many times before; Staff Sergeant Mike Frizzell; criminal operations officer Doug Lang, now stationed in Winnipeg; and Denise Revine, a public service employee.
As individuals we have Rosalie Burton, former director general of human resources, Royal Canadian Mounted Police; retired inspector Paul Roy of the Ottawa Police Service; Normand Sirois, a retired member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, of CSIS; and Keith Estabrooks, a retired sergeant of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Mr. Williams, you have a point of order.