As I remember it, I would say that I asked for them while the investigation was under way. There was a time when I was told that the documents would eventually be available, would be released. When the investigation was over, obviously I must have thought that we needed access to the information, to the documents. The time had come to produce those documents. That was it.
But I did complain about the undue length of time it took to provide me with the documents. At one point, I had agreed to postpone their production, since we did need to allow time for things to be done. But at the end of that period, the time had come to produce them.
After that, I submitted another request for access to the access to information work file. When you submit an access to information request, the access to information section, headed by Mr. Lavoie, opens a file which is then used to process the request. People go look for the information requested, wherever it may be. That's when we ended up with some very interesting information, which is now being followed up right to the Office of the Information Commissioner.