We have been I think pretty successful over the past year or two years. We in fact have grown the office by about 40 people. When we calculated last year, we had hired something like 100 people, which is a lot in an office of 600.
We are noticing, and we don't know if it's going to be maintained, that our attrition rate is going down. It was going up; it was around 14.5%, which we found worrisome. We've noticed that it seems to be coming down, hopefully due to some of the measures we've been taking.
We went back and did a lot of work. Our human resources people did a lot of work on analysis of the employee survey and found that people were wanting more job diversity or challenge. We've actually set up a unit with two people in it, which is part of the funding request, to do better tracking of assignments, career planning for people, making sure they get the kind of experience they want.
Is that helping? We would hope so. It is still a very competitive market, though. We are having success bringing people in at the entry level, but it's then keeping them; they are very much in demand by other government departments.