Excellent. Thank you. I like to hear that.
Auditor General, in the remaining time left, you went out of your way to mention quality quite a few times in here. You also went right out of your way to make sure that it was clearly understood that you're not standing by any kind of analysis, or no one should think that you've done an analysis. Just in knowing you and your shop, I looked at that and I went, hmm, putting a lot of distance there.
There's been a lot of detailed discussion, Auditor General. Overall, what is your impression around the quality issue? We've talked a lot around timing--and not just the automated process but the other issues too; that's had a fair bit of airing. Do you have any recommendations to us in terms of things that you think we ought to recommend, measures that we should take to deal with the quality issue? Probably more than anything, at the end of the day, quality is one of the biggest concerns running through here.
Thanks, Chair.