The older it is, the worse it is.
One of the recommendations of the Auditor General reads as follows:
7.43 The RCMP should develop mechanisms for identifying bottlenecks in the process...
You said that the Services were created in the 30s. How come that today, in 2007, you have not yet been able to do some planning and to develop mechanisms to avoid such problems? The explanation may be in part linked to the evolution of the methodology but, still, any good management system in the public sector should be able to forecast its needs. I am particularly concerned that the Auditor General would have felt the need to make such a recommendation.
Let me read to you recommendation 7.73:
7.73 The RCMP should develop standard procedures for project planning and implementation, including documentation of decisions and sign-off by senior management.
My question is for Mr. Buckle or Mrs. Busson. How do you explain that this was not done before the Auditor General raised the issue after a third audit? I am really concerned by your lack of effectiveness. I asked a while ago to Mrs. Fraser if it was more an administrative issue than a technical issue and if the objectives were realistic. Those two recommendations seem to be linked to a lack of forecasting, management and planning capacity.