We did raise concerns on the two issues you mentioned. One is the timeliness. I think DNA is becoming used more and more, and I'm sure the other witnesses here would be more eloquent on this. Obviously, as it takes longer to get test results, investigations and eventual court proceedings will slow down, so the timeliness is important.
The question we were concerned with in relation to the automated process was that the RCMP labs put in a quality management system, and with a quality management system you would expect that any concerns about any aspect of the systems or the procedures within the labs would be reported. If there were any potential problem with quality, it would be identified. It would be ascertained if there really was a problem, and there would be a rigorous review to see what was going wrong and how to fix it.
The problems with the automated system were being raised by the scientists, and it took a year before they started to be addressed. That's why we were raising the issue that the quality management system was not operating in the way one would expect it to be operating.