No, this would have been a gentleman named Claude Caron. He reported to Mr. Gauvin.
He said that this was an HR decision. It was an HR issue, which you've heard a few times here, but he agreed to set up a meeting with him and HR, and he would have me along to try to provide the information to, hopefully, set the record straight.
At the same time, I contacted members of the insurance committee to find out how it was, because I had been told that they had agreed to this money coming out of the plans. When I contacted them, they told me that no, actually, they hadn't agreed to the money. In fact, they were assured at the meeting that the money was coming out of the RCMP's budget, not the plan's. I asked him if he had seen the minutes, because the minutes said something different entirely. He then asked for a copy of the minutes, determined that the minutes were different from his—