That's when I made the phone call to Rosalie Burton. I received notification that the meeting that Mr. Caron had set up had been cancelled and had been cancelled by Ms. Burton. I called her, expressed my very sincere and very profound concern, and said that I'm writing up the final report for this big investigation and I want to be able to put in there that yes, all this happened, all this nonsense happened, but that as soon as the senior members of the RCMP found out about it, an end was put to it and it was made right.
Shortly after that, I was summoned to Ms. George's office. It was shortly after that that I didn't go. And then we know the part about my being ordered off the investigation.
I believe that takes us up to slide K, and that's where my presentation ends and Chief Superintendent Macaulay's begins. But of course I'm available for questions.