A few years ago, an outfit called Arthur Anderson basically went out of existence, one of the biggest accounting firms in the world, because of the Enron scandal, where they couldn't make up their mind whether they were consultants, auditors, or accountants.
What I find really disturbing here is that we have Mr. Koziol there, Mr. Casey over here, and Mr. Onischuk. They're multi-headed creatures here. They're providing the NCPC with consulting services, helping them draw up contracts or offers and so on, directly communicating with Mr. Brazeau on a regular basis. It's very frank, they call him “Frank” all the time, and they seem to take turns deciding which guy's going to get the contract. Mr. Onischuk helps Mr. Casey get contracts. Mr. Koziol seems to help Mr. Onischuk get contracts. They're all involved somehow in the consulting thing there.
I'm really asking the deputy minister, isn't there a serious issue here with this multi-headed monster we've created here in the CAC outfit?