I very much appreciate your wording, which indicates to me that you have already formed your judgment before hearing me. When I came here and was asked whether I had met Mr. Boulay, that was in the context of the sponsorship issue. I never met Mr. Boulay in the context of the sponsorship issue. I may have met him subsequently at a reception without any issue being involved. I spoke to him by telephone or I met him, I no longer remember which, after the Privy Council Office had phoned me to say that there might be a problem regarding a political donation. When I came here, I did not remember the political donation affair. When I prepared for my testimony with the Gomery Commission lawyers, I was told about the matter of the $5,000 donation, and it came back to mind at that time.
When you are my age, sir, and it happened roughly 12 years ago, you can forget things absolutely unintentionally. Thank you very much for impugning my motives as you did by your question.