Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
At the end of the committee meeting yesterday we made reference to a letter from Superintendent Paulson, regarding an investigation that he was conducting. It was quite clearly indicated that he was using, as part of his investigation, testimony from the public accounts committee. He also indicated that his investigation was nearing a completion. I think he also asked that we waive parliamentary privilege to allow him to use that information—which of course he doesn't have access to, but which he's using nonetheless.
Anyway, my point is that I think you, in conjunction with the law clerk, should write to Superintendent Paulson, telling him to cease and desist his investigation and any other investigation that he or the RCMP is contemplating, and that they cannot use testimony from before this committee—which is, in essence, intimidating witnesses—until such time when we release or give authority for him to use the testimony.
I think you'll find an agreement among the committee members that the chair, in conjunction with the law clerk, should write to Superintendent Paulson to tell him to cease and desist, and so on.