On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I would like to seek clarification from you.
Yesterday I alerted the committee to the very unusual discovery that we made when Mr. Pelletier came before this committee, when he said the Privy Council Office had contacted him and asked that he look into a donation to the Liberal Party. Of course, it would be very unusual behaviour on the part of our federal bureaucracy to be looking into donations to a political party.
I just want to make sure about my request of yesterday, that we write to the Privy Council Office right now to learn about the nature of this interaction. I just want to make sure I have officially given formal notice of motion for tomorrow's meeting, so that this can be acted upon.
It was not made clear yesterday by the chair whether or not notice had been given, and I don't want this to be delayed any more. It is, I think you'll agree, Mr. Chair, very unusual behaviour for the bureaucracy to be looking into donations to the Liberal Party.