I'm sorry, but you're making a case because of this new information you got from the deputy, yet the deputy has testified that he didn't know anything about your sending a letter. If he felt that strongly that this was a bad deal, he would have been recommending to you that we review this and use your authority as a minister to counteract the fact that the government bureaucracy had already signed the contract. It doesn't hang together, sir.
Let me continue. Let me ask you this. This is from Mario Arès. He's the regional director. He had an e-mail on May 3, 2002--a couple of weeks after your letter. It was to Suzanne Cloutier. This is the e-mail:
Suzanne, It is not my intention to write a memorandum to the minister on this matter. Ever since we approved the lease
--that would be after the reversal--
at Place Victoria on April 2, 2002, for 5,790 square metres, the decisions on this file have been taken at the corporate level and are in opposition to our regional recommendations.
These are the people who know what space requirements are necessary. He says “The following points support my position”, and then he has a couple of paragraphs. They're available to be seen, but they're not relevant to my question.
Another paragraph says:
Place Victoria never complied with our accessibility requirements for disabled persons and never showed any interest in doing so; and this won't change, which goes against our internal compliance policies.
But here's the kicker. Here's what he said in his e-mail:
It seems clear enough that the insistence on staying at Place Victoria in this case serves interests other than the sound management of public funds.
Sir, this process of reviewing a signed contract stands accused of not being in the public interest. So we add all that together, and I'm telling you, your answers are not sufficient to explain how this staff person feels that there are interests being served.
Help me. What I'm coming to is that there was political interference. I don't know what Gagliano was doing, but initially he sent down word and maybe got nervous or something, but for some reason he sent down word but then backed away.
The bureaucracy starts it all up again; we go through the whole process; we get a signed document. You arrive on the scene, and suddenly we have a whole new view of things. Yet we have senior staff people accusing the politicians in this case of serving interests other than the sound management of public funds.
Sir, this looks like a political fix was involved. Help me understand what was so unique about you and your sense of this that caused you to trigger all that. Give me more than just what the deputy told you, because the deputy supported the signed agreement.