Perhaps we could give you a copy.
I'm looking at two columns. One is the gross rental rate and the other is the basic unit operating rate or the per metre operating costs.
I understand from previous testimony that Place Victoria decreased their costs to $308, even though the schedule here shows they started off at $430. But when I also look at the operating costs per metre, Place Bonaventure is at $100—or $99.57—and Place Victoria is at $48.33. So if I factor that in, the difference per metre is that one is at $256 per square metre, as opposed to $237 per square metre; it's not quite a $20 per square metre difference in cost. And, just to use round figures, it's for approximately 6,000 square metres. A lot of numbers have been thrown around, but we're looking at an actual cost difference of $120,000—a real cost difference, as opposed to a fictitious extrapolation.
We've heard in previous testimony that there were employee concerns about disruption. People had worked there for decades in that particular location. Was that ever quantified?
I guess there would have been renovation costs and costs associated with the moving, the first being for preparing a new space. I'm just wondering what those costs may have been for preparing a new space; then the moving costs; and then about the various potential disruptions of employees, and how that did or did not figure into some of the decision-making.