Mr. Chairman, I thank the member for his question. It will give me the opportunity to repeat what I said at the beginning.
When the Deputy Minister, Mr. Gladu, announced that we were to move, I asked him why. He explained that there had been a tendering process, that Place Bonaventure was the lowest bidder and that we would be moving there. I replied that we would respect the process, that it was clear, legal, and that we would go. But at that point he added that Place Bonaventure was built out of concrete and that trains ran underneath it. He also added that the move would cost over a million dollars, that there would probably be losses in productivity and the risk that some files might get lost. I asked him what he meant. I asked him whether he wanted me to look into the matter. I did not understand why he was telling me these things. There had been a tendering process, it was public, and we were to move. However, given what he told me and what I have been telling you since the start of this meeting, I sent a letter, in a very transparent manner—