You said a few moments ago that it was not the Economic Development Agency of Canada which ultimately decided to remain at Place Victoria. Nevertheless, you made that request. Surely it was the Economic Development Agency of Canada which asked the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada to move. The department would not have made the unilateral decision to move the agency without its consent. It was the agency which asked the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada to move elsewhere because it needed more space.
However, after you intervened, the lowest bidder was shunted aside. Place Bonaventure was cheaper than Place Victoria. So cheaper office space was found, but the agency nevertheless stayed at Place Victoria, and this ended up costing up to $4.6 million. It was not an insignificant amount, even though it was not only the Economic Development Agency of Canada which was saving money. That seems fairly significant to me.
Did you know who the landlord of Place Victoria was?