As far as I understand, if I can answer Mr. Christopherson's question, the report was requested by an order in council. She reports to the government, not in her normal course to the Speaker and Parliament and by the Standing Orders, where it's deemed automatically referred to the public accounts committee.
As you know, when she tables a normal report you don't walk in here and have one sitting in front of you. You can pick it up at the briefing, and so on, because it's deemed automatically referred.
I expect that the special report would also be tabled in the House and be automatically referred here. Therefore you have the opportunity to bring the issue before us, as Monsieur Laforest would like. We were not denied the opportunity to deal with the issue; it just came to us via a different format.
The last time this was used was on the first three contracts on sponsorship. That caused the Auditor General to want to do a full sponsorship-wide investigation, which she tabled in the normal course. That became the sponsorship investigation.
The first three contracts were tabled and given to the government because the government requested them under section 11 of the act.