Mr. Chair, when I first came here, we talked about how much work this committee had. The question is how you deal with the work we have to do. Before we got into the RCMP stuff, the committee was working on three or four things at the same time and we didn't want to get into this RCMP.... Since the RCMP took over, it basically has pushed a lot of other things back.
If we adopt this motion, are we planning to work in the summer? That's my first question. Second, where does this fit in the priority of all the other things? And third, I think we have to be careful about our own reputation, as a committee. We're not on a witch hunt here. I mean, you're talking about the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec.
I thought what I read in the paper was appalling, but I don't believe what I read in the newspaper. I would be anxious to hear from our auditor Sheila Fraser first, and figure out where we go from there. But let's be cautious as to what we're getting ourselves into and where we're going.