The purpose of my motion is that.... I don't know if others caught it, but there is this explanation by Mr. Pelletier that he looked into a $5,000 donation by Claude Boulay's firm because Privy Council asked him to, and that was a donation to the Liberal Party. That does seem to be a very strange role for the Privy Council. The Privy Council is a non-partisan organization. Effectively, it's the department that underlies the Prime Minister of Canada. It should not be aware of who is donating what to any political party. I think the very least we can ask is an explanation of the officials at Privy Council as to what record they have of this advice that they gave to the then chief of staff and what explanation they have for giving it.
I'll leave it at that. I think it's fairly self-evident. I don't expect that there will be any opposition, so I put that forward and I appreciate very much the chance to speak to it.