No, we're still on this motion. We haven't agreed to the motion and I'm speaking to the motion.
Simply for administrative purposes, I think we can do this all in one day. What we've done before in these committees is have the witnesses appear in clusters--an hour and a half with one cluster and an hour and a half with a second. We have two parts that we need to discuss at this meeting; one is the scandal that happened, so I think it's appropriate to have the people who were around when that scandal happened. That would be Mr. Zaccardelli, Mr. Spice, and Ms. McLellan, who were there when this matter occurred. Then have the people who are here discussing where we go to clean it up, and that includes Mr. Brown, Mr. Day, and Ms. Busson, who are the forward-looking ones. I think that would be a good way to break down the discussion into parts that could be managed.
I do agree with Mr. Lake. I don't know the precedence, but I personally haven't seen former and existing ministers testify side by side or on the same panel, but I think it would be more procedurally and administratively eloquent if we broke into two parts on the same day, giving us the ability to zero in on the players. Again, Mr. Day, Mr. Brown, Ms. Busson, to deal with the future; Mr. Zaccardelli and Ms. McLellan, along with Mr. Spice, to discuss what happened when they were involved.
I put that forward as an amendment.