Thank you, Chair.
Mr. Baker, it seems you always get the easy files.
I'd like to go to the Auditor General's opening remarks. Under point seven, she said, “We found that management does not have a good understanding of why the amount of tax debt is growing at a faster rate than total taxes paid...”. There are a number of flags raised, but this was the big one, it appears. Out of that, in conclusions drawn, the key question is, when will we see the desired results?
I'd like to step back. I'm not quite sure, in the information that we have.... I assume the department would have accurate information. In this committee we often talk about matching expenses to the years, accrual accounting. We get into all of those issues. But nowhere could I find information that shows the debts or taxes not collected matched to the revenues for those years. We have an aging graph, but that would show....
I'm just wondering--this is very worrisome--do we have accurate enough information to substantiate this statement?