At the moment we are building data warehouses that will allow us to determine how many accounts came to us from the calls this year, cases where the account was one or two years old. This will allow us to determine how much time the courts might take to...
Collecting an account we get today but that has been before the court for four years is a major challenge. What is the likelihood that we will be able to collect such an account? Has the taxpayer set aside any money? The taxpayer does not have to pay as long as the case is under appeal. What is our specific performance in such cases? We do not have that information. We have information on a case-by-case basis. We can determine which cases went to appeal, we can track the case and see how we perform, but we do not have any data showing how many similar cases there are. These data are not stored or collected in such a way that we can do this type of analysis.