You've made changes to the guarantor program.
I've practised law for 25 years in a small rural area. I used to hate that. I'm going to get it off my chest too. It used to tick me off. They'd take an hour to deal with language problems and everything else and then they'd put at the bottom that you were not allowed to accept a fee, after you'd spent an hour doing that. Only the government could do something like that, impose that on somebody in the private sector. I found it insulting. They usually paid you back with favours some other way in those small communities.
I always wondered why you had the list you had. It almost sounded like a list of the elite in the community, and lots of other people would have been just as qualified to guarantee some of the people you had on there.
I understand you have a new guarantee program, which really looks into trying to determine whether the guarantors are good screens or not. Maybe you could explain what you've done on that front.