In terms of getting ready for the next season, the first thing we're doing is refining the model so we have something to work with. We are being very conservative in the sense that we're basing our model on the high risk when it comes to the volume that may come in.
Right now we're going through a major hiring process to double our capacity to process the mail-in applications. During the winter there were long lineups at passport offices, but the service standard was much better than for people who were mailing their application. We are putting a very significant effort into increasing our capacity to process mail-in applications. In fact, we have rented two facilities in order to double our capacity to process the mail.
We're also increasing the capacity at the local level by hiring people and adding evening shifts so that people can basically receive applicants during the day and process the applications at night. We are trying to significantly increase the capacity of the organization.
As I was saying before, if we could get the passport to people who are mailing in their application within an acceptable standard, we hope that would solve much of the pressure on MPs' offices.
In the long term, we really think that increasing our mailing capacity and diminishing the requirement of Canadians to meet passport officials face to face should lead to a much better situation than what occurred last year.