The minister announced that 500 employees were being hired, and we did a massive hiring to try to get the applications that were sitting in backlog in envelopes into the issuing system, opened, screened, so that if people at least hadn't filled out an application correctly, they could get the information back. Of those 500 people, 338 are in operations now. When you have an increase in volume and an increase in staff to the extent that we had, you also have to increase your number of people doing the hiring—your number of pay clerks, your number of financial clerks. So some of that hiring went to other parts of the organization to support operations. A number of people went into security, as an example.
There were 338 people hired. It's a revolving door. People come in, people leave. We hire 10 today, 8 leave tomorrow; we hire 12 tomorrow, 16 leave the next day. So it's a continual hiring cycle, and we're getting enormous support from the Public Service Commission to try to expedite that for us, but there will never be a static number.