Well, I have had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Brown, and what I've done is this.
As I said to you before, what we need to look at as well is where we need to be. Until just recently, I needed to build capacity. What I need to look at now, based on the issues that Mr. Brown's report will bring out as well as internal issues within the RCMP, things I see that we may have to change, is alternatives. That's why all this research is being done by the people on my staff; we're looking at alternatives. We're looking at how our office can effectively perform the duties it needs to do. We are looking, for example, at re-establishing an ethics council. These are all things that are put on the table.
We need to consult also with the employees of the organization. We need to consult at all levels to see what the requirements of an ethics office are for the front-line members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. What do they expect from our office? Then once we have those inputs, we need to know how we are going to deliver the requirements and what financial or human resources we are going to need to be able to attain those goals.
We have put forward some initiatives. For example, there is the ethics education, which is the big piece. That is a big piece, where we start from Depot right through to senior management. So those are the things we are enhancing and continuing as we speak.
The outreach initiative that I spoke of earlier, which former Commissioner Beverley Busson put in place, is something we're dealing with on an ongoing basis with people who are coming in--their concerns and how we're dealing with them.