First of all, let me clarify. I am not directing Mr. Brown's task force. I want to clarify that, please.
In terms of receiving staff, I have seven people now in my office. I have someone dealing with the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, who is the lead. I have two people on the outreach initiative at this time. I have one inspector who is now leading that research piece that I spoke about, in partnership with other areas, to look at alternative models, to look at the way we conduct our business and what we need to do to be an effective ethics office for the RCMP.
Right now we have a staff of seven. We will come forth when we have our plan in place, and we will come forth with a business case to the RCMP senior executive committee to get approval for the plan and also to get the human and financial resources that are going to be required.
But for me to say right now what exactly I'm going to need in my office six months from now.... This is ongoing. Our office may look totally different three months from now, so what I need to do is ensure that we are looking at all the alternatives, get a plan in place, and then staff it and get going and doing the things we need to do.