What we've failed to do, sir, is.... We had the mission, visions, and values that were put together by about 4,000 employees from all ranks of this organization. I think the mission, visions, and values of our organization are very sound. But what we didn't do is make them operational. What we didn't do is live the mission, visions, and values. And I think that's the challenge we have now, to ensure that ethical behaviour is rewarded and unethical behaviour is made accountable. I think that is key to changing an organization.
If we have the mission and these visions and values on the wall, but that's all they are, the piece of paper on the wall, and our managers or our employees are behaving contrary to those values, action has to be taken. That is what I meant in my opening statements. We have to look at the formal and the informal and make sure they're aligned and make sure that the rewards are there for ethical behaviour.
Just to reiterate, it is not only my duty; it is everybody's duty. But I am really the steward of it, and so I have to ensure this. As to whether I can go into the commissioner's officer and say there are unethical issues happening, I haven't had to do it in the last five months that I've been there, but if I do have to do it, I will do it.