With regard to your first point, sir, I would like to clarify. I have not been given any special powers. The Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act is the act we work under; however, we are working right now at revising some of our policies.
We are working with the public sector integrity commissioner's office as well as the SRR program, the RCMP legal services, and the professional standards and external review directorate. We are looking at our existing policies now to ensure that we meet the obligations of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act and that we have the processes in place to deal with these matters in an efficient and effective manner.
With regard to the movement of my office, sir, my office is still located where it was. I don't think it is the location of the office that makes the difference; I think it is the feeling of trust the people have to come forward to the office. That's an issue of credibility; I don't think location is really the issue.