No, sir. I do presentations. I meet with them in various courses; we have our ethics course. I also speak to all the new officers as part of officer development, where part of my presentation is about the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act and the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner's office, and what their obligations are to each and every one of the supervisors. As you know, we have many supervisors across this organization who now have a legal obligation. An individual or an employee can go to their supervisor and disclose a wrongdoing. So we are also now putting in place a training or education package to be able to educate all of the supervisors. That was done, as I said in my earlier comments, through the supervisory development program, in the management development program, and in the officer development program.
I do admit that we also have to reach a number of employees who don't fall into those categories, and that is going to be done with a phased approach.
We also have a communications strategist with us. We have a communications strategy that involves, first of all, the 1-866 number, which is a disclosure line. Also, we have a communication strategy that speaks to the employees about what the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act is, and their obligations and our obligations as an organization.
Again, we're working to change the policies to ensure they reflect everything.
The other thing we're also doing is ensuring at the end of the day that we have a website with frequently asked questions and answers, and right now that is in the works or being established. We're working with communications to get that done.