Assistant Commissioner Conlin, it sounds to me as though the task force is going to be reporting in December 2007. That's going to be the ultimate benchmark on decision-making in terms of what kind of governance modification is going to have to happen, not only in the ethics advisor's office but also in a number of other situations, in order to have some accountability. I think your term was “accountability with teeth”, or something to that degree, or “real accountability”.
Are you planning on making a submission to the task force yourself? You've been in the position now for five months, so you're going to have a good idea of the capacity you need to build, because you said one of the things you're doing is capacity-building.
First, are you going to be making a submission? Second, can you enlighten us on some things you'd be submitting that you feel the office requires in order for it to be effective and have accountability with teeth?