First of all, given my background, I'm a strong proponent of transparency as a securities regulator. I spent seven years advocating transparency and I feel very strongly about transparency.
What I recommended in the report is that deliberations of the task force be conducted in private. And I did that for the simple reason that we're dealing here with careers. We're hoping that people who are still employed by the RCMP, committed to the RCMP, will feel comfortable coming forward and sharing with us their innermost thoughts, and that they will feel comfortable in doing that.
Having said that, what we're doing is by no means in secret. We are meeting with as many people as we can. We've met with the leadership of the SRRs; we're meeting with the entire SRR caucus; we're meeting with all of the assistant commissioners; we're meeting with the pay council; we're going out to Depot next week to meet with cadets; and we're meeting with division commanders. We're trying to get to and talk to as many people as we can. It's not secret, as you say--