Well, in the mass of briefings that a new minister gets upon assuming a portfolio, which begin the first day and I presume don't cease until the last day the minister is on the job...that decision, of course, is up to the Prime Minister, or my constituents, or a combination of the two. Briefings are massive and necessary and intensive.
I would say it would definitely have been after a few months on the job when I became aware, when it was brought to my attention that the matter was under consideration by the Auditor General. As a matter of fact, I discussed it with the Auditor General before she appeared here. I also raised the issue with then Commissioner Zaccardelli. That would have been sometime after the middle of the fall of 2006. Sometime in the fall of 2006 I questioned the commissioner of the day on the issue and also on what his sense of it was. So it was sometime in the latter part of 2006.