Well, it's certainly not complete. I'm glad that in the first task force, and I'm sure this must be, to the viewers who are watching by the hundreds of thousands.... I think it's important that they know that this has been handed off, that this is being looked into. In the first part of work that Mr. Brown did, that was one of his recommendations. Now, he wasn't saying the Ottawa police force was negligent. He wasn't impugning any wrongdoing at all. But he did say, from the people he talked to in confidence, in camera, that he was of the view that it could have the appearance of a lack of independence, and because of that, he has agreed and suggested and is supportive of the fact that the OPP is doing work on this.
I don't think it would be right for me at this particular time to reach into that work. I don't think that would be appropriate. But it is important that the work of the Ottawa Police Service be reviewed, and I think the OPP are doing that. They are a responsible group of people, and I think they will do it effectively. We'll look for the outcome.