I will answer the question in two parts.
First of all, the survey to which you alluded was conducted by National Defence. Further to the findings made, the department began to change the way in which it provided health care services. I expect National Defence to take follow-up action to improve the quality of health care and to ensure that information systems provide concrete feedback on the improvements made to the health care system. If ever parliamentary hearings are held, you can discuss the subject with departmental officials.
Our office does follow up on the audits it conducts. As you know, we release a Status Report, generally in February, on past audits conducted to ascertain if indeed the government has followed up on our recommendations. Most chapters indicate that satisfactory results are being achieved. Obviously, some departments have not followed up on our recommendations as we expected them to and have not implemented the action plan. There can be many reasons for this. Certainly, many changes can be attributed to the parliamentary hearings, the requests for action plans and the follow-up reports.