I'll make a couple of observations.
I have a fairly long period of service in this organization, and I'd say that the process of scrubbing down the positions to remove as many physicians as possible from doing jobs that non-physicians could do was a major thrust between 1995 and the beginning of Rx2000. As an example, the commanding officer of a field medical unit, a “field ambulance”, as we call it—which has nothing to do with a vehicle with four wheels, but is just an historic term—always used to be a physician. I held that position some years ago. Now it's held by a health services operations officer, a health care administration officer with training. So there has already been a process to take physicians away from doing jobs that can be done by other people.
When you look at the number of positions that require medical training across the headquarters—and it's interesting you have the educational background you mentioned—part of what drives that 40% figure is that it's not like running a hospital or a big clinic. It's also like running a ministry of health at the same time. A little bit of Health Canada is in there for regulatory purposes. There is a research and development component in there. There is a medical education component in there. There is the public health system I spoke of, and the Public Health Agency of Canada is full of physicians, but none of them sees patients. So all of those things contribute to that ratio of brain power of people who don't actually speak to people one-on-one in an office.