Mr. Chairman, that observation is important and fair. If you look at risk management, the strategic planning for an organization is targeted planning based largely on each area, rather than planning which is completely integrated. This is an important aspect of the Auditor General's report and we are working on it.
However, in each area, the planning is fairly solid now as regards specific problems, including contraband tobacco, or other issues such as illegal activities in airports. Our most recent risk analysis model is without a doubt state-of-the-art. We are world leaders in that regard.
However, something important is missing, and that is our ability to deploy resources from one area to another in a planned manner and based on a risk analysis approach which is completely integrated into the organization. This was one of the main points raised by the Auditor General. We expect our next strategic plan, not the one which will be presented in a few months, but the one after that, to be based on what the Auditor General recommended.