Thank you. I think you've satisfied my concern that there is work being done in this area, because it seems to me it has a lot of potential and should be fully exploited or optimized.
I'm assuming that on initial inspection at the border, on primary inspection, a combination of three things would be occurring. One would be some sort of objective risk assessment that's taking place. There has to be some profiling of people who would fall into higher-risk categories than others would, and some knowledge on that.
Another part of the criteria would be a random selection process. If somebody beat the profiling system, you could maybe pick them up in the random selection.
The third one—I don't want to underestimate it, because I know experienced police officers and people in the field and so on—would be called human judgment, based on experience, gut feelings, and so on.
Would it be a fair comment to suggest that the people at the border are using all three of these criteria in assessing people who come to the border?