I'm really in no position to comment on the thought processes within CEDQ--what led them in a certain direction at one point, and then to change direction.
In the testimony from Mr. Drouin, he indicated that the new premises in Place Bonaventure were a concern to him because of the concrete nature of the building, the train track underneath, and the concern among employees about the move. He also wasn't anxious to absorb any of the incremental costs associated with the move. He wanted to keep that in the budget of his department to assist enterprise in Quebec.
On what prompted the department to change its mind, that would be a matter for CDEC to respond to. As Mr. Marshall explained, the answer from the Department of Public Works to CDEC would have been that the move must go forward into the new space unless the department could satisfy itself that the economics of the matter brought value to the crown. Having done an analysis in April-May 2002, they concluded that value to the crown could be provided and at the same time meet the concerns that had been raised by Mr. Drouin. It was the function of the officials in Public Works to do that economic assessment to see if they could accomplish both objectives.