Thank you for the question.
Not at all. In fact, it's diametrically the opposite. The point of reaching land claims settlements is to give the communities the tools for self-reliance so they can take control of their own futures, participate in economic opportunity, participate in development opportunities, and create their own businesses. If you were to bring the Inuvialuit people here you would find they're the most business-oriented, entrepreneurial aboriginal people you're likely to meet. They own businesses. They have revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars. This is why we vigorously pursue the settlement of claims, because the land, the money, and much more importantly, the governance gives those communities a much brighter possibility of greater self-reliance.
The issue of living standards is one we will get to in looking at those communities. I think there are all kinds of methodological issues about relative to whom and relative to what, because there are other people in the Northwest Territories doing very well off diamonds. As I said, $100-a-barrel oil is a new phenomenon, and so on, so I think you're going to have to bear with me that there have been great improvements in the lives of the Inuvialuit people. Relative to other first nations people and relative to other people in the NWT is kind of a hard thing to capture in a snapshot, but they have been provided, through the agreement, all kinds of tools for greater self-reliance and participation in the opportunities that are taking place in the north.