I would agree, Mr. Chair, that is the case. However, I would also point out to the members of the committee that we have tabled a business plan. We have indicated our status report against that business plan, and we have been very clear about the areas we have met.
One of the comments the Auditor General made to us, very rightly--and as Mr. Da Pont has indicated--is that when we try to do everything at once, which we have been told is something the coast guard has as an attitude, we can do everything, but it means that we often do everything halfway.
We have now established some pretty clear benchmarks, some achievable elements, and we are working towards them. It's perhaps not as fast as everyone would like; that's correct as well. But changing the responsibility elements within an organization, for example, having everybody in the regions report to the commissioner, was a significant change. There is a line authority now that was not there before.