I don't know, this individual certainly did not work for me. I'm going to have to speculate somewhat in answering your question. If that is the case, you will have to forgive me.
I received the formal letter from Mr. Drouin on April 15. It appears that he had telephoned me or had discussed the matter with me in person. At any rate, there had been a verbal conversation followed by a letter. So at an earlier time, I had been asked for this information.
To answer the question put by the member more specifically, I had received a recommendation or authorization to award a lease. This recommendation, dated March 22, must be in the members' file. I did not sign it. I was supposed to write “I agree” or “I do not agree”. According to this document, I did not sign it. In all likelihood—and this is what I'm speculating—I was waiting for Mr. Drouin's letter in order to find out, in writing, what his problem was exactly.