I believe, as Mr. Gagliano told you, that we had meetings with the real property people from the public works department. I don't particularly remember this file, because it was five or six or seven years ago, but fundamentally we always asked the same questions. Normally the intent of these meetings with real property was to ascertain that the client was willing to.... The clients were obviously the officers of the department, but they were also the minister's office; since we were working in a minister's office, our priority was to make sure that the minister client of the department--that being the public works department--was aware of the orientation given by his officers of his department.
Fundamentally we limited ourselves to that. We didn't get involved with the figures. We would probably ask other questions, such as whether it would be profitable for the government, why we were moving, why you weren't renewing the lease, and so on and so forth, but these were political reasons so that we could brief the minister on what was going on--particularly, as Mr. Gagliano mentioned in his testimony, for the Province of Quebec, because Mr. Gagliano was minister responsible for the organization of the political party in Quebec. Fundamentally that's where our role got involved. That's how we got involved in asking questions.
The rest of it was follow-up. If you look at all the correspondence that was given to me, the follow-ups were done, because at one point Mr. Arès, who wrote a lot of memoranda on the subject, said yes, the department of economic development is aware of what we're doing and they're willing to go ahead with the move. Apart from that, I don't see how we could have gotten involved in this kind of situation, except to ask political questions.
These meetings were always pre-approved, regardless of what other people said in their testimony. These meetings were always approved by the associate deputy minister, Mr. Mike Nurse, is deceased since these events. When Mr. Nurse became associate deputy minister, his replacement was Mrs. Beal, and all these things were always cleared with Mrs. Beal. We never dealt with subordinates below Mrs. Beal unless we were told to, and that was very seldom. That's fundamentally our involvement there, and there's nothing else to it.