When the deputy minister sent the memorandum to Mr. Gagliano informing him that the file was going ahead, this is an additional support that we didn't stop the thing. The file kept going. We didn't stop it, except we were waiting for answers. And as I said previously, probably the questions we asked were, “Is the minister's office aware of this? Is the minister and his staff agreeing with the move? Yes or no.” That's what we wanted to know. That's my guess based on what I read.
The answer is in one of the memoranda, whereby Mr. Arès answers, “Yes, Economic Development Canada is totally aware and in acceptance with what we're doing.” Fundamentally this was our involvement, as far as I'm concerned. I can't see any other kind of involvement. As I said, Mr. Gagliano stopped being a minister on January 15, 2002, and we never heard of the file again.
I heard of this particular file when Mr. Gagliano phoned me and I phoned him back and he asked if I had any remembrance of this particular file. I didn't, and I still don't today. For me this was just a regular file going through the department.