First of all, as a deputy, I believe the problem has to be fixed. Secondly, I don't think you go around fixing it by threatening to fire people because they haven't filled out these forms, and that sort of stuff. My purpose in sending out instructions is to regularize the situation and to ensure that all future hires are done the same, and that we look back at the records and make sure they are complete where they haven't been complete. I haven't received a report back, so I can't tell you the success rate on this, but that's how I believe we can partly solve the problem.
Now, the fact of the matter is that the occasions of misdoing by locally engaged staff are extremely rare. The ongoing supervision that is given to locally engaged staff by Canada-based employees, particularly if you're working in sensitive areas where you're handling money, the immigration program, the administrative program, consular programs where there might be some fees exchanged and so forth, the supervision is very thorough.
We have had cases of fraud; yes, we have, but they are very rare. I haven't been able to check whether or not they were done by people who hadn't had the security clearance or the reference check, but my guess is that they probably were.